Aired SEPTEMBER 4th, 2015 on CHRW 94.9 FM
Arsenal (Bruxelles, Belgium) - High Venus
Arsenal (Bruxelles, Belgium) - Lotuk
Innershades (Aalst, Belgium) - Volksverheffing
Zita Swoon (Antwerpen, Belgium) - The Bananaqueen
The Stephanies (Brugge, Belgium) - About Time
The Stephanies (Brugge, Belgium) - The Highest Mountain
The Weakerthans (Winnipeg, Canada) - Night Windows
Vismets (Brussels, Belgium) - Abacadabra
The Stone Age Queens (Halle, Belgium) - Sampler
Yukon Blonde (Kelowna, Canada) - Favourite People
PHX (Brugge, Belgium) - Sky Anxiety
Wormwood (London, Canada) - Sunrise
Doldrums (Toronto, Canada) - Industry City
Chemical Brothers (Manchester, UK) - Born in the Echoes
Culcha Candela (Berlin, Germany) - Scheisse aber happy
Morgenrot (Berlin, Germany) - Nice und Easy
Aura Dione (Denmark) - I will love you Monday
Culcha Candela (Berlin, Germany) - Monsta
Rombo (Barcelona, Spain) - Rendicio
Justi & Gon (Barcelona, Spain) - Petite blonde aux yeux bleus
Rumbason (Barcelona, Spain) - Soc del Poblenou
On this edition of Mediafrenzy Fridays I share with the listeners music I discovered on my recent adventure to Europe. From live shows, to friends' bands, record stores, on the radio or recommended at the estaminets, I have a whole bunch of new tunes to share! It will be quite the mix of Belgium rock roll, European DJs, German Kraut rock and Barcelona Rumbas! Big hello to the folks in Brussels, Gent, Brugge, Antwerpen, Berlin & Barcelona who exposed me to such great tunes, spun the records, shared their music or suggested artists. Hugs and thanks!
Congratulations to Ron for phoning in to win a copy of the brand new Yukon Blonde CD, On Blonde.
Thanks to those who phoned in and thanks to Andrew and Tim for helping with some of the technical bits so that the show would go smoothly.
I think this show might be re-run next Friday September 11 2-4pm. You can stream and download it here until Sept 18th.
Select 'Previous Shows' tab (below my name) and 'Aired Sept 4th' 2pm -
Select 'Previous Shows' tab (below my name) and 'Aired Sept 4th' 2pm -
Or click these links to download
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Next new show will September 18th, 2015. It will be an intro to London for the new students, including venue descriptions and concert calendar review.
go rumba,
dj mediafrenzy